Howdy Folks!

Thank you for checking out This is my site for stories I have told, written in the past or am currently working on. I have always wanted to write a book, but the project never took off – it was just too daunting and overwhelming for me. So I decided to make this short…

By Charles R. Bucklin July 19, 2019 Off

A Stranger in a Strange Land

Who ya you calling old? Me?! Pfft!! Seriously? Alright, alright, apologies.   Yeah, okay sixty eight years around the sun isn’t what most folks consider young. And I certainly aint going to start making absurd statements like sixty is the new forty. Because by God, I wish I was forty again. Really. But still… As another…

By Charles R. Bucklin May 6, 2024 Off

Cheap Date

Yep, she called me a jerk! And a creep and an asshole. But even worse she called me cheap. Not to my face mind you. No, it was all done later behind my back. But the result was damning and it effectively ended my social life at Chico State. So let me rewind my story…

By Charles R. Bucklin April 8, 2024 Off

Pick Me!

No one had ever done it before. Pledged the Deltas TWICE in a year. You had to be utterly stupid or a masochist. Perhaps a merry combination of the two. Ah, but I wanted to belong. I was young, and fresh out of a little town called Cupertino, a place no one had ever heard…

By Charles R. Bucklin March 10, 2024 Off

Teddy! Have Mop Will Travel!!

“Oh, Dear God No!” I thought. It can’t be – but it was. Yep, I should’ve checked my calendar alright.  Cause it was Senior Discount Day at Willies, our local market. Which was the absolute most crazy and dare I say hazardous time where all Seniors in my area descended upon our little gourmet grocery…

By Charles R. Bucklin February 5, 2024 Off