A Stranger in a Strange Land Part 5

September 9, 2024 Off By Charles R. Bucklin

The Club turned out to be a modest size bar with a dance floor.

But before entering I heard a loud commotion coming from an Irish bar. There was a loud crash as the bar burst open followed by two men grappling. The struggle was brief as the obviously intoxicated patron was thrown down the steps with a loud CRASH where he lay for a few minutes insensate as the bar door slammed shut. Eventually he got up and staggered off into the night.

Like I said the Punk Bar was small but it seemed like everyone was enjoying themselves despite its cramped size.

A jukebox was blasting music by the Police, The Pretenders, The Clash and The Romantics and folks seemed to really get into it as they jumped up and down on the dance floor with impressive stamina and vigor.

Now I considered myself to be in good shape courtesy of the United States Marine Corp, but even so I  couldn’t keep up with these diehard Punk aficionados. And after pogo sticking it on the dance floor with these kids and after twenty minutes I was soon exhausted.

Eventually I called it quits and after collapsing into a bar chair and spent the rest of the time there drinking Rolling Rock beer and listening to the music

It was after two am in the morning by the time we left the bar and before taking the subway home Matt insisted we hit Ray’s Pizza for a slice.

“You want MORE pizza?” I asked him.

“Charlie, it’s a tradition. Ya gotta try before you go,” he said.

And yes,  it was some of the best pepperoni pizza ever.

End of Part 5