“Camille!” A Lovable Chihuahua with an Attitude.

They say she was abandoned and living on the streets of Sebastopol, California. But even though life dealt her a tough hand – Camille is a survivor.
Camille’s (aka “The Treasure”) Story
We need to get something straight between us. Are you listening? Good. Camille. Is. Not. My. Dog. Got that? In fact her step sister Roxy is Not. My. Dog. either.
Both Camille and Roxy belong to my Wife and my Stepdaughter. And they have both made it abundantly clear to me that those dogs – Roxy and Camille – Are. Not. My. Dogs.
Which leaves me with what? When it comes Camille and Roxy – What do I have?, Well, what I have is – Permission. I have “Their Permission” to touch their dogs, pet them, feed them, clean up after them, and share my ever shrinking side of the bed with them. As I long as I understand that They. Are. Not. My. Dogs.
But I digress. This little yarn is about Camille as you have already heard me talk about Roxy, Dog Goddess of Luv❤ in a previous entry.
My wife and stepdaughter discovered Camille at a local Animal Shelter. They had been looking for another dog to share their home with their other beloved dog name Pelushi.
Pelushi had been diagnosed with a Doggy Disease similar to Addison’s in people. Poor old Wush (Pelushi) was feeling poorly these days. So the Ladies of the House figured a doggy Pal was just ticket to get him back to his old feisty self. You see Wush was a scrappy guy who loved to steal our food off our plates when we weren’t looking.
They went to the local shelter and when they saw Camille it truly was love at first sight. She was the one.
Strangely enough it was My Job to pick her up from the shelter, get ID tags, take her for a quick exam at the Vets and bring her home. And make sure Wush didn’t eat her.
OK fair enough. I picked her up at the shelter and did the necessary tasks and then brought her home. The Ladies were at either at work or school and so it was just me, Camille and Wush at home.
Wush seemed mildly interested. And after doing a few Dog Greetings – translated – he sniffed her butt a few times – settled down and promptly ignored her.
Camille meanwhile bounded about the house checking out everything. And I mean Everything. Her joy was so evident that I took great pleasure watching her get settled in.
Not long after the Ladies arrived home. The little half pint sized mutt was whisked away – just to make sure Camille didn’t get any “wrong ideas” about who her real owners were at Chez Bucklin.
Since then Camille has been a wonderful addition to our household. She loves to bark frequently and often for no apparent reason. She loves to dance when it’s feeding time. She loves to boss Roxy around. She loves to do her business outside the house – and inside too. She loves to eat out of the trash – lots of good stuff in there! And for the most part is well behaved. Suffice it to say she is All Dog. And we Love her.
Camille – She maybe kind of shrimp but in her mind she is just a Mini Doberman . So watch out! This Girl packs some serious attitude.

It sounds like all the ladies of the house have you pretty well trained!
Yes indeed. With so much Estrogen at Che Lano-Bucklin – it is little wonder why I spend so much time in the Garage aka The Man Cave.