“Camp Shady Pines” Summer Camp from Hell! Part 3

After ” free time” and an uninspired supper of franks n’ beans and jello the whole camp was herded off to a firepit where we forced to sing Army songs.
That being done we escorted back to our cabins where we were told to expect a big super fun day of Camp Activities starting in the morning!
I awoke partially frozen the next day to the sound of rain pattering on the tin roof of our cabin. I was told to go to the bathroom and then head over to the Camp Cafeteria for a yummy breakfast.
The “yummy” breakfast consisted of oatmeal that looked like the color of concrete and tasted about the same.
There was no sugar or milk to put on the oatmeal just orange Kool-Aide. So a lot of us poured it over the congealed cereal just to give it some flavor.
During breakfast, we were informed that all the exciting Camp Activities had been canceled due to the rain. But once we completed Camp chores we could watch TV in the Camp Communal Hall. That is if they could get the ancient TV to work.
Camp chores turned out to be enslaved labor to cut costs for the Camp. My “chore” was to walk around the entire Camp and pick up garbage. There was a lot of it. And for a young germaphobe – it felt like I was in Hell.
Due to my stout appearance and passive nature – it didn’t take long before I became the focal point for bullies and older kids who wanted to do stuff to me.
One pimply boy named “Stanley” kept on pestering me about going into the bathroom with him.
Well, I didn’t want to go into the bathroom with anyone especially not that creep – so I spent most of my time avoiding him. If I had to go – I tinkled behind a clump of trees behind the buildings.
Unfortunately, due to this kind of harassment – I became terribly constipated and after several days I developed severe gastritis from not being able to go Number Two.
I was lonely, badly constipated and desperately homesick. I missed my Mom, Dad and my black Labrador dog “Star.” Heck, I even missed my smelly kid brother, Matty.
Finally, with one day left before our hideous internment was over – we were subjected to one last mean spirited scam.
End of Part 3
To be continued…
Coming from a Family that loved to tell Stories - Charles R. Bucklin continues the Family Tradition albeit in written form. He lives with his Wife and Family in the Wine Country Northern California. Included in his family are two dogs named Roxy and Camille.
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The important thing is that the camp made a good profit.
I went to a camp when I was 12 that equally sucked.
There must have been 40 of us who got to share in the incredible “Canoe adventure” that
was just one canoe on a pond and only 3 or 4 of us got a turn, and the REAL rifle shooting
experience that meant most of us got to shoot a 22 caliber rifle one time.
Most of our time was spent in rows of pup tents and We were all very bored.
I have no memories about meals possibly because it was 60 years ago.
I do remember being traumatized when we were lined up before any of the festivities began
to have our testicles examined by some old Man and looking back on that I’m suspicious because
that didn’t know one kid from another.