Category: Short Humorous Story

Golden Boy

“I’m sorry, Charlie but we lost her,” said the Old Man. “But, Dad…I thought you said it was a sure thing?” “Yeah, but the owner got a better offer.” “Ah, fudge!” I said. Ominous  silence. “What did you say?” “Uh nothin’…heh…heh…I’m just disappointed. I really wanted that Nova, Dad.” “Well, I think I found another…

By Charles R. Bucklin May 2, 2022 Off

Writer’z Kramp

Our cat was an asshole. He bit my Mom. He bit my brother. He even bit me!! We all hated him. Eventually the little fucker ran away. Good riddance. The end. “Ahhh, another masterpiece,” I sighed, closing my laptop. Oh boy, never had my inherent wit come so easily and effortlessly in writing my latest…

By Charles R. Bucklin April 4, 2022 Off

Liver n’ Onions

The cheap carnations in my hand were all I had to give him. Yet standing by my Father’s grave I felt like I was once again disappointing the Old Man. A paltry offering. A pitiful remembrance to the man who had brought me into this world. I was broke. A thrice-divorced failure who had thoughtlessly…

By Charles R. Bucklin March 1, 2022 Off

A Car named Jed

It was an ugly car alright. A funky blue-painted station wagon that was given to me by my Dad’s third wife.  Since she hated my guts, I think Pauline gave it to me as a mean-spirited joke. Making a big deal about it like she was doing me a big favor by handing it over…

By Charles R. Bucklin January 3, 2022 Off