*Flash Fiction* “Movie Time!!”

August 3, 2020 Off By Charles R. Bucklin

Wife: “Let’s watch a movie!” 

Me: “OK.” 

Wife : “How about” Out of Africa?”

Me: ” Borrrring! “

Wife:” The Walton’s Family Special? “

Me: “Aaak! ..cough.. cough.. Hell No!”

Wife:” ummm… “White Christmas”?” 

Me:  “It’s April! Who watches Christmas movies in the Spring!” 

Wife: “Lucy and Ricky Go to Hollywood.” 

Me: (Sotto voce) “Somebody please just shoot me!” 

Wife:  (exasperated) “What do you want to watch, CHARLES?!! 

Me: (wistfully) ” How about “The Great Escape?” 

Wife: (ignoring my poke) “That’s a boys movie…Plus it’s dull!” 

Me: “Dull?! Dull?! You think a Steve McQueen Movie is DULL!” 

Wife: “C’mon… Pick something we can both watch together.” 

Me: ” OK. Here’s a bitchin’ Japanese Samurai movie called “Daigoro, We’re Going to Hell!!” There’s a baby, that shoots crazy knives and shit out of his baby cart. Some really Awesome sword fights, gobs of blood, exploding heads and…”

Wife: (exits) “Good Night! “

Me: “Where are you going?! “

Wife: “To bed.”

Me: “Don’t leave! Wait! Wait! You’re gonna miss out!”


Me: (turning on DVD player. Popping a beer. Grinning) “heh…heh…Works every time!”

About this Story…

Wifey cornered me in my man cave (aka the Garage) the other day.

“Something is wrong with your blog… It cut off most of your “Call Me Tony” story.”

“No, it’s fine,” I said. “It’s Flash Fiction.”

“Whats that?” she inquired.

I showed her the definition on Google.

“Read this: ”

Flash fiction is a fictional work of extreme brevity that still offers character and plot development. Identified varieties, many of them defined by word count, include the six-word story; the 280-character story; the “dribble”; the “drabble”; “sudden fiction”; flash fiction; and “micro-story”. Wikipedia

“See,” I said, “It’s supposed to be short.”

After reading the definition she said, “Whatever… It’s still too short!”