“Gettin’ Stoned”- A Cautionary Tale!

True Story. Many years ago, I was sharing a cottage with some Young Thing out in Forestville, California. Back in 1996.
One day, Young Thing brings home some weed that was probably grown in a forest somewhere out in Magic Mushroom Land.
There were crystals and crap all over the buds. It smelled downright awful. Kind of like cowshit with a strong hint of oregano.
Now, being a child of the seventies I had smoked weed before when you could buy it for $10 bucks a lid. Mostly it was a small baggy filled with stems and seeds.
But it got you there.
Anyway, I had just gotten home from work and I wanted to relax. Moved by some kind of an adventurous spirit, I thought “What the heck? Maybe a few puffs would relax me?”
With that in mind, I took a couple of bong hits and waited for the floor to drop away.
However, after a few moments – I felt surprisingly OK.
In fact, I felt downright warm and toasty.
Being a little buzzed, I thought I would call it a night and turn in since I had to get up early for work.
But ah shit! Wouldn’t you know it? I had forgotten to bring my briefcase into the house. I had left it on the front seat of my Mazda.
Thus, a quick trip outside was in order.
Now our house and driveway were located by the main drag, very near downtown Forestville. So I had to walk very close to the road to get to my car.
As I walked, I began to notice people who were driving by me begin to blink their high beams, toot their horns and wave.
I nodded and waved at them, all neighborly-like.
Being new to this rural area, I was thinking these Country Folk sure were nice and friendly.
I got my briefcase out of my Mazda, as motorists continued to drive by.
There was more horn-tootin’, headlight blinkin’ and people waving as I headed back to the house. A few people appeared to be screaming “Hello!” to me as they drove past.
So, I kept nodding and waving back at ’em like an idiot.
And then I realized…I was completely naked.
I haven’t touched the Stuff since then.

Hahaha! True story or one of your stretches of the truth? No wonder you don’t smoke anymore!
True Story Susan. And yes, what the Kids smoke nowadays is far cry from what I used to puff on in College.
Some nudist retreat out there was calling you…
Lol! God I hope not! Thank you for reading and commenting on my Story Cassie.
I’d love to try some of that, I live in the country so no traffic to speak of.
Oh Dear, I wouldn’t recommend it, David.
It’s strictly medicinal Charles, I got the Cancer! LOL
and I’m milking it for all it’s worth!