Howdy Folks!
Thank you for checking out This is my site for stories I have told, written in the past or am currently working on.
I have always wanted to write a book, but the project never took off – it was just too daunting and overwhelming for me. So I decided to make this short story site a repository for my stories.
My logic was simple, create a space that needed constant attention and energy to keep it alive. If I wrote, my site lived. If I didn’t, my site died. Thus, I have created a work harness for myself to force me to write daily for the benefit of all you, and of course, me in the long run.
So while a short story site is not a book, it is my hope, my dream, that in the future, a book project will emerge out of these tales and stories. Maybe it will be called “The Very Best of Read My Kool Tales.” Now, that my friends, would be really bitchin’!
About My Writing
Most of my writing was influenced by four writers – Jean Shepherd (“The Christmas Story”), Ring Laird (“Selected Writings”), Joe R. Landsdale (“the best of Joe R. Landsdale”), and Mark Twain (“Huckleberry Finn”). Like these four forementioned authors my stories have a cynical nostalgic feel to them. They are “Politically Not Correct” tales that albeit are works of Fantasy inspired by True Events.
Some of the events actually occurred but have been either time condensed or stretched imaginatively out of shape just for fun. I have changed and altered names when appropriate to protect the guilty and prosecute the innocent.
These stories were written strictly to entertain you. There is no deep meaning or moralizing in them. They are edgy, cynical, self depreciatory, sometimes dark, and profane. But at the heart of them humorous.
I write the kind of stories I like to read.
So, think of them as cynical fantasy tales by an older Dude and we’ll get along fine.
Charles R. Bucklin
2019 was created to be “Your Home of Bitchin Fiction!”
2019 © All Rights Reserved
A couple more things before you go: All stories will be released as a ongoing serial unless they’re very short ones. I thought it might be a better approach to post one part of a story at a time. Thus, giving you the reader, a little more time to digest and enjoy what you have just read. Each time I post it’ll be a continuation of one of the stories I have already written. Hopefully, this will keep you on your toes and excited as you have to wait a little bit as you follow a long reading your favorite tale.
Please note – is an ongoing monthly short story site. Meaning that there will be at least one new story or episode published once a month on However, I reserve the right to publish whenever inspiration strikes and/or my work schedule and family commitments allow. So please stay tuned and check back frequently.