“Camp Shady Pines” Summer Camp from Hell! Part 3
After ” free time” and an uninspired supper of franks n’ beans and jello the whole camp was herded off to a firepit where we forced to sing Army songs. That being done we escorted back to our cabins where we were told to expect a big super fun day of Camp Activities starting in…
*Flash Fiction*A Leap of Faith
“Do not spend your time sadly thinking about the past. Spend it dreading the future.” Chah-Lee The Inscrutable Philospher From “Cosmic Notes from Beyond the Cosmos” * “Holy Smokes! Would at that thing!” “Why it must be a hundred feet tall!” Actually the cement diving platform was only thirty two feet in height – but…
“Jake & his Hot Trans Am” Part 1
IntroductionI recount my friendship with my pal Jake, whose motto was “Fast Cars and Fast Women!” A Giant towered over me in Biker leathers, greasy, bleach blonde trashed hair, built like a lineman from the Rams Football Team, a Marlboro butt clenched in her teeth. At least I thought it was a she, a chick,…
*Flash Fiction* “The Price of Love”
I guess I’d better buy her one of those dumb things,” I thought as I stood staring at the Florist case filled with Orchids. The problem was they were expensive and considering who I was taking tgo the Prom – I didn’t see the point. Valerie Campbell wasn’t my first choice or even my fifth…
“Camp Shady Pines” Summer Camp from Hell!! Part 2
And so without further ado, I was enrolled for a one week 1963 Summer Session at Camp Shady Pines. I, of course, was not consulted over the matter. As for my brother, Matty, he was given a pass as he was deemed too “emotionally frail” to make the one week exile. I soon found myself…
*Flash Fiction* “Crime n’ Punishment”
I was in trouble…again. The Old Man had been notified of my crime and I was waiting for him to come home from work. I never sensed he enjoyed being the executioner, my personal Torquemada of the Holy Inquisition. A few times I had caught a tear in the Old Man’s eye as he told…
“For Those Who Missed the Rock” Part 4
By the time I met with the Marine I was supposed to replace as Company Clerk at HQ – I was pretty out of it from hunger and fatigue. The soldier’s name was PFC Sherman. He was assisted by a Private named Sanchez. Sanchez had this annoying habit of applying chapstick to lips every five…
“Camp Shady Pines” Summer Camp from Hell!! Part 1
I hate Summer Camp. I think Summer Camps were devised by envious Adults – who wanted to screw up perfectly good Summer vacation for kids. The kid has too much free time – so let’s get him out of the house – seemed to be the Parental maxim. To which I would reply “Why?” Was…
*Flash Fiction* “Jelly Donuts”
Fer Chrissakes, Barbara. We’ll never beat the traffic going to the Beach, ” groused the Old Man. “Now Buck, the Boys will be starving by the time we get there. And besides stopping will only take a minute, ” said my Mom. “Get me an Old Fashioned Donut, then.” Donuts?! My ears perked up like…
Darn he could be such a pest! Always coming into my room and buggin’ me. I told my kid brother multiple times to beat it – but did he listen? Heck No! Finally I pleaded my case to the Old Man who begrudgingly installed a sliding lock on the “outside” of my door. That didn’t…