“The Great War” Part 6

Meanwhile back at home  – I had decided to enlist. Since I viewed it as my “Patriotic Duty” to do whatever I could to protect my Country.  The Militia Enlistment Board thought I was to durn old to fight. Can you imagine that?  I was only twelve hundredt years pupped. My Pappy, Walter Brennan Treewanker,…

By Charles R. Bucklin March 8, 2021 Off

“The Great War” Part 5

With his bag o’ coins, Chuckleberry led the companions to this weird lookin’ hamburger joint that had these giant piss yaller arches on it.  “Order whatever you’se want fellars – it’s my treat,” he said.  Yessir, the building was weird but the staff runnin’ the place was even weirder.  Workin’, there were three funny lookin’…

By Charles R. Bucklin March 1, 2021 Off

“The Great War” Part 4

Well, I’m shore ya’ll will be glad to hear that the gators didn’t eat Mister Putter.  And their trip downriver was idyllic. No one’s bothered them – so the Gnomes and Hewitt gotta a chance to rest a bit.  They were assisted by a big fish that was harnessed to the raft to tow ’em.…

By Charles R. Bucklin February 22, 2021 Off

“The Great War” Part 3

Now before the Gnomes had gone a few steps towards their unknown destination, they run into this scrawny Human kid who wore huge bifocals.  The kid identified himself as Hewitt Putter, who happened to be on Summer Vacation from some Magicky School in lands far away.  “I’m gonna be your guide, Dudes,” he said squintin’…

By Charles R. Bucklin February 15, 2021 Off

“The Great War” Part 2

Enter Gnomes Buggerz and Schmendrick into my story.  Buggerz was the smarter of the two but that ain’t sayin much. His brain was like a BB in a boxcar.  Schmendrick couldn’t find his ass even if his hands were in his back pockets!  These two addle headed Gnomes were just perfect for the suicide mission.…

By Charles R. Bucklin February 8, 2021 Off

“The Great War” Part 1

Dear Mistur Klause,  Whenever we git together with kin on Holidays or go camping with friends – invariably I’m called upon to recount my memories of the “Great War.”  And even though I never got tired of tellin’ it – I felt it was high time that I wrote my version down.  Younger kin folk…

By Charles R. Bucklin February 1, 2021 Off

Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star

“He didn’t have to die,” I said to Gort2 as we strapped ourselves into our saucer cockpit. “It was just a matter of bad timing.” “I mean think of it…if Klaatu hadn’t visited Earth during the 1950’s Red Scare he might have been hailed as the new Messiah.” My father’s saucer had been taken out…

By Charles R. Bucklin January 25, 2021 Off

A Shattering Experience

My Mom has a picture of me taken in 1959 which she keeps in her bedside bible. The black and white photo shows me with a large bandage on my back.  Now about that bandage… I was over at my friend, Jula’s house, one warm afternoon in Alexandria, Virginia and I thought I’d impress her…

By Charles R. Bucklin January 11, 2021 Off

Ain’t Got No Check or TP!

Dear Mistur Klaus,  How have you been? Things have been pretty rough down here in Elf Town since you furloughed us from the Toy Factory. The frickin’ Dwarves have been gettin’ drunk and loud as you-know-what here every single night.  Gnomes have been rioting up a storm since they ain’t gotten their “Stimulatin’ Checks” you…

By Charles R. Bucklin January 4, 2021 Off