Tag: flashfiction

Ain’t Got No Check or TP!

Dear Mistur Klaus,  How have you been? Things have been pretty rough down here in Elf Town since you furloughed us from the Toy Factory. The frickin’ Dwarves have been gettin’ drunk and loud as you-know-what here every single night.  Gnomes have been rioting up a storm since they ain’t gotten their “Stimulatin’ Checks” you…

By Charles R. Bucklin January 4, 2021 Off

Matty Takes a Trip

C’mon Matty it’ll be fun. You climb into the laundry chute and I’ll make sure you don’t slide down.” “I don’t know Charlie.” “Awww…dont be a chicken. I’ll be your anchor – you won’t go anywhere.” “You’re sure it’s safe.” “BukBukBuk…Bukaw!” “Okay…Jeez!” Climbing into my friend’s home laundry chute- Matty looked up at me –…

By Charles R. Bucklin December 28, 2020 Off

Santa Goes All Out!

When it came to gettin’ gifts – Christmas 1963 was a banner year for Matty and I. Never had we seen so many gifts and presents wrapped in festive paper under the tree. There was a veritable cornucopia of Christmas goodies just waiting to be pillaged.  Santa had gone all out!  Ah, but we had…

By Charles R. Bucklin December 21, 2020 Off


Dear Mister Klause, I always believed that an Elf’s Destiny should be decided at home. Not on some foreign soil or continent.  Still, as a patriotic tax payin’ Elf, I do believe in protectin’ my country. Hence I did participate in the Great War several hundred years ago.  Nosir, The Great War was not won…

By Charles R. Bucklin December 7, 2020 Off

Hearken the Trees

I couldn’t sleep that night.  The wind was blowing with an eerie “Woooo” sound. Even the house cat seemed unnerved by the trees whipping the apartment building like a masochistic penitent. All night long “Woooooo,” “Smack!” “Whack!” I tossed and turned. A frightened cat sat on my face. “Fer chrissakes enough already, Cat! ” I…

By Charles R. Bucklin November 30, 2020 Off

A View from Above

She lived alone in a ninth floor apartment.  Her Apartment was 9I. The sounds of Fifth Avenue street traffic – yellow checker cabs, office workers, and late-night party people, could be heard on some nights when her window was cracked open. I showed up half in the bag for our first date.  She opened the…

By Charles R. Bucklin November 16, 2020 Off

The “Old Man’s” Gift

“Hey, Dad I’m turning thirty-two this week.” “Well, that beats the Hell out of turning seventy-two.” “Aar! Ha! Ha! Ha!” The familiar laugh barked over the phone. The Old Man considered himself to be a real Card at times. “What are you doing for your Birthday, Son?” “Aww, I got nothin’ planned, Dad.” “C’mon over…

By Charles R. Bucklin November 2, 2020 Off