Tag: flashfiction

*Flash Fiction*A Leap of Faith

“Do not spend your time sadly thinking about the past. Spend it dreading the future.”  Chah-Lee The Inscrutable Philospher From “Cosmic Notes from Beyond the Cosmos”  * “Holy Smokes! Would at that thing!”  “Why it must be a hundred feet tall!”  Actually the cement diving platform was only thirty two feet in height – but…

By Charles R. Bucklin October 12, 2020 Off


Darn he could be such a pest! Always coming into my room and buggin’ me. I told my kid brother multiple times to beat it –  but did he listen?  Heck No! Finally I pleaded my case to the Old Man who begrudgingly installed a sliding lock on the “outside” of my door. That didn’t…

By Charles R. Bucklin August 17, 2020 Off

*Flash Fiction* “Movie Time!!”

Wife: “Let’s watch a movie!”  Me: “OK.”  Wife : “How about” Out of Africa?” Me: ” Borrrring! “ Wife:” The Walton’s Family Special? “ Me: “Aaak! ..cough.. cough.. Hell No!” Wife:” ummm… “White Christmas”?”  Me:  “It’s April! Who watches Christmas movies in the Spring!”  Wife: “Lucy and Ricky Go to Hollywood.”  Me: (Sotto voce) “Somebody…

By Charles R. Bucklin August 3, 2020 Off