“The Great War” Part 4

Well, I’m shore ya’ll will be glad to hear that the gators didn’t eat Mister Putter.
And their trip downriver was idyllic. No one’s bothered them – so the Gnomes and Hewitt gotta a chance to rest a bit.
They were assisted by a big fish that was harnessed to the raft to tow ’em. The fish or por-pus was named “Flapper” who would occasionally pop his head out of the water and make these “yackity yak” noises. Only Chuckleberry seemed to understand what Flapper was sayin.
When Chuckleberries wasn’t talkin to Flapper he kept arguing with Jam about their timetables and where the best places to land the raft.
Meanwhiles Hewitt had pulled this big ass tome of Magick out of his coat and was readin’ slowly and quietly out loud. It all sounded like gibberish – sose no one paid much attention to him.
The little Gnome fellars did what they did best – which was nothin.’ They were small – so huddled together in the back of the raft trying not to get stepped on by the bigger folk.
Buggerz was frettin’ up a storm. But Schmendrick when he wasn’t tellin’ dirty jokes just stared vacantly into space – which was typical for him.
Eventually, they reached a quiet unobserved dock in Nabob.
Chuck unharnessed Flapper. While Jam tied up the raft and helped Hewitt and the Gnomes disembarky out of the raft.
“Ah hope you little fokkerz are hungry – cuz Jam and me got the “munchies” and we know a Hamburger Stand nearby,” said Chuckleberries.
To be continued…