“The Great War” Part 5

With his bag o’ coins, Chuckleberry led the companions to this weird lookin’ hamburger joint that had these giant piss yaller arches on it.
“Order whatever you’se want fellars – it’s my treat,” he said.
Yessir, the building was weird but the staff runnin’ the place was even weirder.
Workin’, there were three funny lookin’ kids and goofy dawg named “Snoopers’ ‘ who looked like they had been badly drawn by cartoonists.
Seems these kids had been famous in a silly cartoon called “Grapenuts” or some such nonsense back in the day.
Their sponsors had died sose they were forced to work flippin’ burgers and makin’ Frenchy fries. I should say the kids worked – the dog was dressed up in some World War Flyin’ Ace get up and kept mutterin’ about catching some fellar named the”Red Heron.”
One kid had a very round head and seemed depressed like when he tooky their order. He was assisted by his friend who carried a blanket with himself all the time.
The two order takin’ kids when they weren’t order takin’ would complain about their “residual checks” bein’ late from their work on TV.
Every once in a while a young bad-tempered girl would pop her head out of behind the stove and chew the kids out sumthin’ terrible. She kept callin’ the two boys “Squareheads” and Idjits.
Buggerz said Schmendrick – “This Nabob is shore a strange place, Schmendy.”
Schmendrick with a face full of Veggie Burger just belched in agreement.
Now let’s let leave our companions for a while and let ’em eat in peace. Cause at this juncture – I want to talk about me for a bit.
To be continued…