“The Old Man Takes Us Out to Dinner”

Spring 1960. Los Altos, Caliifornia
The Old Man decided to take us all out to dinner at the Geman Restaurant called “The Black Forest.”
The Old Man ordered – Hungarian Ghoulash, Mom ordered Weiner Schnitzel and Matty opted for a Bratwurst which he proudly waved around like a baton – until he got smacked!
I precociously asked the waitress – “What’s on the House?”
“The roof!” she replied
All the Adults chuckled over that one.
I then asked the waitress to bring me sumpin’ good.
“The “Hasenpfeffer’ is the House Specialty.”
“Ok, I want that! Please.”
“Uh, Charlie why don’t you get a nice Bratwurst with potato pancakes. It comes with Apple sauce, ” wheedled Mom.
“Nah…I want the Humpstuffer thing.”
“Charlie.. I don’t know if …”
“Awww, Barbara… Let the kid pick out his own damn meal, ” grumbled the Old Man as he drained his second stein of Coors.
Soon a steaming bowl of fragrant stew appeared at our table. Exotic spices hinting at savory culinary delights wafted my way.
I dug in with gusto. My first taste – ambrosia!
After a steady diet of hot dogs and macaroni and cheese. – I felt as if my six-year-old mouth had suddenly come alive.
My juvenile taste buds began firing on all cylinders.
Shoveling my food – I began to experience visions.
Visions of buxom Frauleins in lederhosen singing the score of “The Sound of Music” I was marching with the Von Trapp kids up the stairs. We…
“Did you like the Rabbit Stew?” asked the waitress bringing me back to earth.
“The Hasenpfeffer…Rabbit Stew…did you like it?” she said taking my licked clean plate away.
“Mom! I ate a rabbit!!” I wailed.
“Looks like the Easter Bunnys’ gonna skip our house this year!” laughed the Old Man.
Coming from a Family that loved to tell Stories - Charles R. Bucklin continues the Family Tradition albeit in written form. He lives with his Wife and Family in the Wine Country Northern California. Included in his family are two dogs named Roxy and Camille.
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I could almost taste it! AAARGH!
Susan, Actually if I remember correctly… It tasted just like chicken. Lol. Thank you for reading and commenting.
When I was a kid We had all kinds of food that I never knew what it was. As a result I like almost everything.
I remember going with Dad to an old Man’s house to “Look at the Rabbits” and later learned We were there to pick out dinner. I never made the connection about going to see the Rabbits and going home with a “Package” for dinner.
Well it sounds like the Easter Bunny skipped your house too. 😁 Thanks for weighing in and commenting, David.