The “Old Man’s” Gift

“Hey, Dad I’m turning thirty-two this week.”
“Well, that beats the Hell out of turning seventy-two.”
“Aar! Ha! Ha! Ha!” The familiar laugh barked over the phone.
The Old Man considered himself to be a real Card at times.
“What are you doing for your Birthday, Son?”
“Aww, I got nothin’ planned, Dad.”
“C’mon over Thursday and I’ll take you out to dinner for your Birthday. We’ll all go out – me, Pauline, and you to Charlie Browns – it’ll be fun!”
I stared at the phone receiver – had I heard him correctly?
The Old Man wanted to celebrate my thirty-second Birthday with him that Thursday evening?
His treat – all I had to do was show up.
His enthusiasm for hosting my thirty-second birthday came as quite a surprise to me – after all, he had skipped the ones between ages nine and thirty-one.
Not to mention the Old Man was a notorious tightwad.
Okay, his childhood was during the Great Depression and he had supported two former spouses – so maybe he was being “cautious” with his money – as opposed to being cheap.
“What do you want for your Birthday, Charlie?”
“How about some Green?” I blurted out.
A choking noise emitted over the receiver and silence.
So much for being honest.
Realizing I had committed a grievous social faux pas and perhaps a fatal blow to the Old Man – I threw out a face-saving lifesaver to him.
“Heh… Heh…Just kidding, Dad. Uhh…how about a new shirt or sweater?”
A palpable sigh of relief came over from the end of the phone.
“Sure, I can do that, ” he gulped.
Late Thursday evening I came home wearing my “gift.”
“Ta-Da!” I announced as I walked through the front door.
“Charles, what the hell are you wearing?!” cried my wife.
I looked down at my ugly sweater and laughed.
It looked like the tunic William Shatner would have worn on Star Trek – right after he had gotten his ass kicked by Klingons.
Hoo boy! Next time – I was gonna ask for a gift certificate.
Coming from a Family that loved to tell Stories - Charles R. Bucklin continues the Family Tradition albeit in written form. He lives with his Wife and Family in the Wine Country Northern California. Included in his family are two dogs named Roxy and Camille.