“Roxy” – The Dog Goddess of Luv!❤

OK “The Experts” say to have a successful blog you gotta publish at least once to twice a week. Well… Geez that’s alot for a guy who works almost two full-time jobs. Many of my longer stories take time to craft – sometimes weeks. So I have decided to add short little stories (either life experiences or short tales) just to keep you all on your toes.
This Very Short Story is about “Roxy”- The Dog Goddess of Luv!❤
About Roxy…
Roxy is one of our dogs. She loves to eat a lot of chow. She usually begs for more chow when we eat. She likes Our Food wayyyy better than Hers. So she tends to run a little fat. We know we shouldn’t feed her scraps from the table but, Seriously… how could you resist that face?!
Roxy also loves tummy rubs and demands them frequently. Usually at imoportune times. Like when I am going to the bathroom or when I am trying to balance my bank account.
Roxy is probably the most Loving, Cuddly and Sweetest dogs I have ever owned. Hence the title “Dog Goddess of Love.”
We got Roxy one day when my step-daughter brought her home from a friend. It seems that the friend had promised my step-daughter a puppy. The puppies went like hot cakes at a fireman’s breakfast feed – so no puppy. But to make up for it he gave her the Momma Dog. IMHO we came out ahead in the deal since Roxy aka Rock Rock is a one heck of a dog.
When my Wife leaves for work Roxy sits in her chair and watches the door till my wife returns. When my Wife gets up and goes somewhere in the house – you can bet your boots Roxy will be on her heels. Roxy only follows me when she suspects I HAVE FOOD! Whenever I am in the kitchen even the slightest rustle of a paper bag will bring her bounding in, jumping on my leg reminding it’s always “Dog Feeding Time!”

Our Veterinarian says she is part Cavalier King Charles Terrier. I like that breed name… “King Charles.” Has a nice kind of ring to it – Don’t it? I mean I’d like to think of myself as kind of a “King?” But I have never heard of any Lord who’s “Job” was to pick up all the dog shit around the house.
Anyhoo, back to Roxy.
Roxy loves to sleep with my wife and I. Unfortunately, for such a small dog she takes up most of our California King sized bed. That means I get a tiny slice of the mattress to sleep on.
Since I am a side sleeper I usually wake up with her doggy ass right in my face.
What a Wonderful Way to Start my Day!!!
Coming from a Family that loved to tell Stories - Charles R. Bucklin continues the Family Tradition albeit in written form. He lives with his Wife and Family in the Wine Country Northern California. Included in his family are two dogs named Roxy and Camille.